At Ballard, the Comprehensive School Safety Plan includes:

  • Student behavior preventionand response
  • Threat assessment
  • Emergency response

This comprehensive approach is meant to provide students, staff and community with confidence in our ability to respond to any situation. Each piece of the comprehensive plan is important and serves a different purpose.

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Student Behavior Prevention and Response

Student behavior prevention and response plans include procedures for varying situations. Specific procedures exist for bullying and harassment, discrimination, and student conduct.

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Threat Assessment

A systematic decision making structure is used for threat assessment and self-harm assessment. The formal structure is the Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines (CSTAG).

Emergency Response

Emergency response plans are clearly articulated responses to a wide range of emergencies. While these response protocols are not made public, they contain detailed protocols for:

  • A.L.I.C.E. Procedures
  • Emergency Communications
  • Critical Incident Recovery
  • Media
  • Preventive Lockdown
  • Emergency Lockdown
  • Room Clear
  • Reverse (outside to inside) Evacuation
  • Remote Evacuation and Family Reunification
  • Emergency Evacuation for Non-Fire Situation
  • Shelter-in-Place (HazMat)
  • Intruder.Suspicious Person
  • Disruptive/Unruly Person
  • Protesets/Civil Unrest
  • Kidnapping/Missing Student
  • Use of Weapon
  • Report of Weapon on Property
  • Hostage Situation
  • Attempted Suicide/Suicide Threat
  • Bomb Threats/Suspicious Package
  • Explosion Protocol
  • Sexual Assult
  • Injury/Illness
  • Death
  • Food Allergy Incident
  • Food/Beverage Contamination Incident
  • Radiological Release Incident
  • Tornado
  • Fire
  • Utility Failure/Damage
  • Arrest or Criminal Indictment of Staff Member/Volunteer
  • Report of Sexual Misconduct of Employee
  • School Closure